Category Archives: Client Quilts

Antique Quilts – such a treasure!

I just finished quilting an antique quilt top of hand pieced hexagons –  would love to know the story behind all the different fabrics!

Just back from attending MQX (Machine Quilter’s Expo) last week in Manchester New Hampshire and learned an important tip when working with antique tops from Gyleen Fitzgerald the guest speaker at the banquet.  As she noted – many of these tops have fabric that is fragile –  so if you place a piece of muslin directly under the top over the batting it will provide extra stability and if one of the fabrics does wear through you will see the muslin below not have the batting pop through!  I was so glad I hadn’t quilted this top before hearing this tip – I have quilted a few other antique tops and will now always do this –  it truly provides a bit more stability.

This quilt was 79 inches by 75 inches and was filled with hexagons that were 2 inches in diameter.  I did continuous curve free-motion quilting on each and every one!

2 inch hexagons - so many different fabrics!

2 inch hexagons – so many different fabrics!


Fun with a Modern Quilt

I am starting to see more quilts come through my studio that are modern in style.

Last week I worked on one with modern flowers – I used a combination of computerized and free-motion quilting.

Looking forward to seeing more and making some of my own!

Modern Flower quilt detail

Modern Flower quilt detail

Modern Flower quilt full
Modern Flower quilt full

Think Spring!

I just finished a customer quilt that she designed using Judy Neimeyer Blocks as elements in her quilt.  The colors were nice and bright which is fun to work on in the winter when things tend to be a bit gloomy!  I used a combination of free-motion and digitized designs for this quilt.

Judy Niemeyer Quilt Blocks

Judy Niemeyer Quilt Blocks

Recent Client Project: Lonestar Quilt

I spent the majority of quilting time this week on a client quilt that was a beautiful Lonestar quilt made with polished cotton fabrics.  She had actually pieced this quilt many years ago – so glad she will now be able to use it!

I continue to grow using my Intelliquilter for custom work – time consuming but the results are great!

Below are some detailed photos of the quilting along with the digitized design developed during the quilting process:

Lonestar triangle blockLonestar blockLonestar bordersLonestar digital design work

A Beautiful Signature Quilt

I just completed quilting on a Signature Quilt for one of my clients.  This is the prettiest Signature Quilt I have seen – her choice of colors and fabric variety is stunning!  The finished size of each block is 5 inches with the inner section for the signature at 2 1/4 inches – there are 117 of these signature blocks on the quilt.  I used custom continuous curves and loops on each block and a leaf pattern in the borders using teal thread.  It came out great – she left a few unsigned blocks so family members who did not get a chance to sign a block can do so at her family reunion next month.

Signature QuiltSignature Quilt Detail

Whew! That was close! Just enough thread…..

Purple Sampler Quilt

Purple Sampler Quilt

I just completed a lovely sampler quilt yesterday with a great overall design called Damask fern which is one of my favorites..  I wanted to use a light purple thread and had a spool of Signature thread that I thought had enough thread to do the job.  Well it was a very close call and I watched nervously as the last row was stitching out…  was so relieved when there was still a little thread left at the end!

Just Enough Thread

Just Enough Thread

Using what I learned in Machine Quilting Expo class!

I added on a computerized system (Intelliquilter) that I use in addition to my normal free-motion quilting.  The system is amazing and I am just digging into using it to its full potential.  I took a class with Helen Baczynski to learn how to design patterns on the system and have been putting it to use!  Today I designed a custom wreath motif to go in the alternating plain blocks of a quilt that also had 9-patch blocks – it came out great and works well with the quilt.   So the 9-patch blocks were done free-motion and the yellow blocks were done with my custom wreath design.
Quilt with 9-patch and plain blocks in alternating layout.

Quilt with 9-patch and plain blocks in alternating layout.

My original wreath design with undulating center.

My original wreath design with undulating center.


Snow in April – Perfect time to work on a Christmas Quilt!

Believe it or not we had snow today in Vermont… so what a great day to work on a Christmas Quilt! This quilt makes great use of traditional red and green with a neutral for contrast that shows off the piecing nicely. The quilting uses a combination of free-motion and computer driven designs.
Quilting detail viewed from the back of the quilt.

Quilting detail viewed from the back of the quilt.

This quilt will be great for the Christmas Season

This quilt will be great for the Christmas Season

A great time of year to be a Quilter!

Well – week 1 of being a full time quilter went very well!  Made progress on several client are a few photos to help you ‘think spring’ and sunshine:



It’s a great time of year here in New England to be a quilter…  I head off to MQX Quilt Festival in New Hampshire tomorrow to take some classes and build on my skills

Also I have been very busy working registrations for the Vermont Quilt Festival that will be held in Essex Junction at the end of June…


Think Spring!
Think Spring!

Busy times – lots of quilts!

I’ve been very busy quilting lately –fall quilt

the most recent is a customer quilt that really spells out FALL!

Good news for one of my customers who entered her quilt I had quilted in the Champlain Valley fair – her quilt earned a blue ribbon and won best of category:customer quilt ribbons




She also had brought me one of the cutest children’s quilt to quilt for her nephew who was graduating into a big boy’s bed:

train quilt



Well, fall starts tomorrow – and fall is a great season for quilting! (Of course every season is for me…)