No time to spend at my quilting machine this week…. it’s time for VQF!
This is my first year as Registrar and I look forward to meeting students later today as they pick up their badges, along with beautifully designed VQF bags stuffed with useful information, Show catalog, etc.
I do have some of my quilts at the show… Coffee in the Cabin is entered to be judged and two of my other quilts are hanging in the main lobby are in a great display of works by the board members and staff of VQF. (Also I have several of my clients who have entered their quilts that I had the privilege of quilting for them.)
It’s going to be a fantastic show…. if you are anywhere near the area you should attend! (for you quilters there are also many vendors so you can do some shopping!)
Show runs Friday thru Sunday…. hope you can stop in and enjoy the views!!