1) Starting a new part-time job (now Technical Recruiter for Keurig since 1/27) – love it!!
2) 1st year as Registrar for Vermont Quilt Festival – >550 Class Registrants since end of Feb!!
3) Taking 2 college classes (Web Development and Internet Marketing at CCV) – enrolled when I thought I would ‘only’ be quilting.
4) Participating in Machine Quilter’s Exposition – both by entering a quilt and taking MANY classes to learn more about my IntelliQuilter system
5) Quilting 70 quilts for Clients so far this year….. should be able to pick up the pace now that my college classes are DONE!
I handed in my final projects for my classes today and now my website is officially launched!
Please visit my website: Machine Quilting Services of Vermont: www.machinequiltvt.com and let me know what you think!!